Thursday, November 6, 2008

Hamlet- Final Assignment

Hamlet- Final Assignment
By Nives Dzebic
The collage of Hamlet's mind that I created focuses on the different issues and situations that he is dealing with. The words "to be or not to be" are in the centre of the collage and they stand out because this is one of the biggest issues that he faces. His contemplation of suicide is a topic that would be at the front of his mind. The collage also has a few topics that focus on the opposite of each side. For example, there is a picture of an angle and clouds which represent heaven, and then there is also a picture of flames which represent hell. These two deal with the reason why Hamlet spends such long time contemplating both suicide and murder. He is afraid of what he will find after his death and does not want to do anything which would send him to hell. There is also a cross on the collage to represent that he is religious and thus far to afraid of what waits for him after death to take action quickly. Two other opposite pictures on the collage are the words "sanity" and "insanity". This is on the collage because throughout the play, there is a lot of question whether Hamlet is mad or not. He himself admits at the end of the play that he was mad and that was why he committed the actions he did, but throughout the play he must have been questioning his own sanity. Also, if he was only acting insane, these words could represent him keeping the two states separated so he could act mad in front of the people he was fooling. There is a skull on the collage which represents Hamlet's understanding of the inevitable and also the deaths he deals with. Some of these being Yorik's, old king Hamlet, Ophelia, Polonius, his own mother closer to the end, and eventually his own. There is a blurry image of his father's ghost in the background of the collage because every situation Hamlet is in is due to his quest to avenge his father. Thus, his father's request of him is always on his mind. There is also a crown over the image of his father to represent the past king. There is a dying rose on the collage to represent the false love that Hamlet showed to Ophelia. At the begging of the play it was seen that Hamlet was in love deeply with Ophelia, but later on he admits that he does not love her nor anyone else. There is a question mark because Hamlet always has many questions running through his mind, and he always takes time to question everything before he takes any kind of action. Both a bottle of poison and a goblet to represent both the suicidal thoughts going through Hamlet's mind and also the death of the people around him. The last big image on the collage is of a clock. This represents the long time Hamlet takes to make his decisions and the procrastination he goes though.
Word Count- 519

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

File Document Act 1

File Documents Assignment
Act I
By Nives Dzebic

Dear Close Friend,

There are many strange going ons in the palace. News of old Hamlet's ghost visiting the palace has spread around. Although we are not permitted to know of the sightings, there is still talk of him haunting many of the residents. Horatio was first asked to examine it seeing as he is both Hamlet's good friend an a very educated man. I hear that Hamlet is not sure whether it is his father's ghost or the devil playing a trick on him.

After hearing of this news, I worry for Gertrude. It has been barely a month since his passing and she has already moved on to marry Claudius. Could old King Hamlet be back to haunt her for doing this? You can not blame the woman though. What else was she to do? So suddenly was she left on her own, something she is not used to. A woman like her, when depressed, scared, and left alone, has almost no other option but to find someone to care for her as soon as possible. And her appearance!

You can see the stress in her dress and behaviour. Although she tries to appear calm and together, being her lady-in-waiting, I can see through this. I believe that it is her worry for her son Hamlet that brings her to such a state. If you saw her now, you would not believe her to be the same woman as before her husband passed away. But who really knows what she is feeling? Perhaps it is her new husband Claudius who troubles her.

This palace is filled with many secrets and I do not truly know what whole of any of them. When I learn or see more I shall write to you again!

Yours Truly,
Lady in Waiting

File Document Act 2

File Document
Act 2
By Nives Dzebic

Confidante- So why did you hesitate so long before deciding to take action against Claudius?
Hamlet- There are many reasons my good friend.
Confidante- Speaketh of them to me.
Hamlet- I did not want to take action straight away of fear that I would not have control over
how I took action. I did not want to move on impulse.
Confidante- You are wise in thinking and doing so.
Hamlet- Also, I needed time to conjure a plan. I did not want to kill him instantly for that would
bring up many more troubles. For this kind of revenge, careful planning is needed.
Confidante- Did you think of simply killing the king right then and getting it over with that
Hamlet- Thoughts such as those did cross my mind. But the plan I made will be far more
entertaining and it is carefully thought up so I am aware of every move being made. This way
nothing will surprise me and I shall avenge my father.
Hamlet is right in waiting as long as he does before seeking revenge for his father's death because the type of revenge he is planning on taking could involve murder which is a heavy subject and would change everyone's life. By taking time to think things through and weigh the different options, Hamlet can make a smart decision on what to do. Also, if he did not hesitate and instead, took action right away, he would most likely take action on impulse, which could end badly.This would be because he wouldn't be thinking of what might happen afterwards, and instead do things that he might not have done if he took time to think about it. Since he carefully thought of a plan to first find out if the king is really guilty, he is able to manage every move that he makes and give himself a greater chance of not having to regret his actions.
File Documents Assignment
Act 3
By Nives Dzebic

In Loving Memory of

Polonius died on April 1. 1600 from a stab wound. He was a beloved father and was Lord Chamberlain. He leaves behind a son named Laertes and a daughter names Ophelia. He was brutally stabbed and murdered while standing behind a curtain by Hamlet. Hamlet is being tracked down in order to hold his responsible for this man's death. It is unsure whether his son is aware of his father's passing seeing as he is away. Polonius' daughter Ophelia is said to be taking the death of her father very poorly which is not surprising seeing as she is now left without a father or mother. This kind, gentle man was beloved by all around him and never caused any disarray. He will be missed by many. He was seen as a fair, good hearted man and admired by all. His death was seen as very untimely. Polonius raised his two children on his own and was a truly a role model. Sympathy is sent to Ophelia and Laertes to help them get through this rough tome as easily and quietly as possible. A funeral and memorial will be held on in honour of him on April 3.
Farewell Polonius.