Tuesday, November 4, 2008

File Document Act 2

File Document
Act 2
By Nives Dzebic

Confidante- So why did you hesitate so long before deciding to take action against Claudius?
Hamlet- There are many reasons my good friend.
Confidante- Speaketh of them to me.
Hamlet- I did not want to take action straight away of fear that I would not have control over
how I took action. I did not want to move on impulse.
Confidante- You are wise in thinking and doing so.
Hamlet- Also, I needed time to conjure a plan. I did not want to kill him instantly for that would
bring up many more troubles. For this kind of revenge, careful planning is needed.
Confidante- Did you think of simply killing the king right then and getting it over with that
Hamlet- Thoughts such as those did cross my mind. But the plan I made will be far more
entertaining and it is carefully thought up so I am aware of every move being made. This way
nothing will surprise me and I shall avenge my father.
Hamlet is right in waiting as long as he does before seeking revenge for his father's death because the type of revenge he is planning on taking could involve murder which is a heavy subject and would change everyone's life. By taking time to think things through and weigh the different options, Hamlet can make a smart decision on what to do. Also, if he did not hesitate and instead, took action right away, he would most likely take action on impulse, which could end badly.This would be because he wouldn't be thinking of what might happen afterwards, and instead do things that he might not have done if he took time to think about it. Since he carefully thought of a plan to first find out if the king is really guilty, he is able to manage every move that he makes and give himself a greater chance of not having to regret his actions.

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